


Beata Czernecka and the Band: Hubert Kowalski, Iga Miernik, Szymon Fecica, Paweł Pierzchała and Michael Jones (Kraków)

“Songs of my Heaven”

17. 11. 2009 – Tuesday
9 pm
Creative Communities’ Church, ul. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie 22

About Christian Culture Festival

Christian Culture Festival was organized for the first time in 1997 on 10th Anniversary of the Logos Theatre. In a sense, it extends the idea of Christian Culture Weeks organized in Poland in 70s and 80s of the last century, which were to become counterpoise to lay media model promoted by the State. Lodz Christian Culture Days were organized in churches all around the city, so as to accommodate the artists, spectacles, exhibitions and projections.

One of such places was the John Paul lecture theatre in the vault of the Assumption of Holy Mother Church in Kościelna Street. This is where the Logos Theatre started, before it was moved to the church in Maria Skłodowska-Curie. It was this church that Archbishop Władysław Ziółek gave to the Lodz artists in 1993, and in which the Centre of Creative Communities’ of Lodz Archdiocese was appointed. It is here that the ‘logistic’ centre of the Festival is located, and where some of the Festival events take place.

Traditionally, the Festival takes place in November, on the first Sunday after All Soul’s Day. It usually lasts for two weeks, during which various event take place – spectacle premiers, other theatres come to Lodz, there are exhibitions of invited artists, performances of choirs and musicians, very often not to be seen anywhere else in Poland at any other time. The Festival programme is the result of the whole year’s work of rev. Waldemar Sondka, the Festival Director, who – using his contacts – invites artists who are interesting, out of the ordinary, noteworthy and creating art perhaps not always religious, but always searching and at the highest level. Care for the level of the Festival offers is a permanent rule, the Logos environment has always wished to provide the Lodz citizens with the possibility of contact with art deprived of parochialism, open to the man and as perfect formally as possible.

The Festival is not an activity that brings profit. Any entrance cards are issued as invitations that are free of charge, and the team of the Logos Theatre and all the people engaged in the Festival organization, act as volunteers. This does not mean that Christian Culture Festival costs nothing. On the contrary, to organize such a cultural event at appropriate level is always connected with costs. Rev. Waldemar Sondka deals with organizing means to secure the Festival events all year round. He manages to gain sponsors (without whom the Festival would not exist) and subsidies from institutions that deal with funding culture (without which the Festival could not develop). All that in order to realize the basic idea of the event that derived from the Lodz Christian Culture Days – to enable anyone who wishes and needs that, to live the Mystery through art. This idea assumes a free of charge participation in all the artistic events, which has been the case since the very beginning of the Festival until today, the only condition is that on the day of the Festival opening, one must queue as long as it takes to get invitations. The only limit to the number of invitations is the capacity of rooms in which the events are organized every day throughout the two weeks of the Festival.



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Beata Czernecka

She began her artistic career in Kraków, her hometown. Her characteristic features are extremely strong, emotional tone of voice and deep personality message from the stage.

She is a graduate of National Theater Academy in Kraków. She also completed a music high school. She holds MA in philosophy, specializing in religious pedagogics.

Since 1997, she has been performing in Piwnica pod Baranami.

As the very beginning of her career we should consider a performance in a dominican schola, in which she had been singing singing since 1990. She had the honour to perform (also as a soloist) for pope John Paul II.

Until the moment in whihc she started her work as an actress, the singer has been taking part in many Polish festivals. She has also been a lureate of many of them.

Profesionally, she started her adventure with stage in 1996, during her concert at Piwnica u Wydrwigrosza.

Soon after that, there was a premiere of “Rimbaud Children”, thanks to which the artist was placed on a list of artists performing at Piwnica pod Baranami.

Following that, she prepared a recital entitled: “Lines that blend the sea and the sky together”, and a Christmas recital.

In 1999, Beata Czernecka put her plans resulting from her interests in Jewish culture and music into action, which eventually led to a recital entitled: “Zol zajn”. This turned out to be a great success, thanks to which the artist took part in the 9th Jewish Culture Festival in Szeroka Str. in Kraków (recorded for TVP2). Some of the greatest composers are connected with that recital, e.g. J. Bester, J.K. Pawluskiewicz, B. Rawski, A. Lazarkiewicz, M. Michalak and A. Konarski.

The same year Beata Czernecka began her co-operation with Cracow Klezmer Band (currently Bester Quartet). While realizing her projeck, she also co-operates with Max Klezmer Band.

Beata Czernecka recognizes the following events that took place after 1999 as the most important:

2000 — 10th Jewish Culture Festival — Kraków: she sang a recital that accompanied the exhibition of Jewish artists from Israel
2000 — 2007 — “Zol zajn” recital hosted on Polish stages, performaces with musicians from Piwnica pod Baranami and other invited artists.
2000 — “Kraków 2000” in the Main Market — partaking in celebrations together with artists from Piwnica pod Baranami
2001— television recording of a concert for Piotr S. At The Slowacki Theatre (TVP2), singing a song entitled “Rebeka”
2003 — television recording during the show of Piwnica pod Baranami (TVP2), singing the song entitled “Sznirele perele”
2003 — 2004 — “Turnau Turnau” spectacle, directed by J. Grzywacz, Wyspiański Theatre
2003 — 2004 — “Anda” spectacle, directed by J. Szydłowski, Wyspiański Theatre, PWST
2004 — 2005 —  “Zielona gęś” spectacle, directed by M. Stebnicka, Wyspiański Theatre and guest performances in Poland
2004 —  K. I. Gałczyński benefis, fragment of “Zielona gęś” spectacle, directed by M. Stebnicka, STU Theatre
2005 — 2007 —  “Świtezianki” spectacle, directed by J. Leśniak-Jankowska, El-JOT stage and guest performances in Polish theatres
2005 — concert record with “Jidish song concert”
2006 — winter Christmas carols’ record entitled “Blask Aureoli” with participation of Andrzej Seweryn
1997 — 2007 — weekly performances at Piwnica pod Baranami and numerous tours both in Poland and abroad. (Austria, Norway, Sweden)
2007 — concert at 50th anniversary of Piwnica pod Baranami (recorded by TV2). Beata Czernecka sang “Grande Valse Brillante”.
2007 — 750-anniversary of Kraków location — Oratorium “Cracovia est” by Dariusz Regucki. Beata Czernecka performed another solo song with Zbigniew Wodecki, during the main day of the celebrations
2007 21.11-13.12 — The USA and Canada tour with Piwnica pod Baranami: Chicago, New York (Manhattan), Philadelphia, New Britain, New Jersey, Passaic, Toronto

List of recordings:

2007 — “Blask Aureoli” — Christmas singing, solo album with participation of Andrzej Seweryn

2005 — “Zol zajn” — Jidish song concert — a solo concert record, recorded in 2000

“Piwnica Pod Baranami” —  an album released on 45th anniversary of Piwnica pod Baranami (Beata sings “Rebeka”)

“Sławcie usta” — liturgy songs for Easter Thursday and Friday (choir record recorded with schola and the Dominican brothers)

“Radosna światłości” — Easter Eve songs(choir record recorded with the schola, the Dominican brothers and the orchestra)

“Trochę jesteśmy” — a single, Piwnica pod Baranami artists and chamber choir

“Liturgia Wspólnoty Ekumenicznej Taizé” — choir

“Songs of my Heaven”

Christian concert of Beata Czernecka, the artist from “Piwnica pod Baranami”
And a vocal trio:
Hubert Kowalski, Iga Miernik and Szymon Fecica

Paweł Pierzchała — piano
Hubert Kowalski — double bass
Michael Jones — violin, ravanhuta, djembe, trumpet

The concert consists of e.g. compositions of Paweł Bębenek, Piotr Pałka, Jacek Gałuszka, Beata Czernecka and Jarek Bester.